Sunday, January 6, 2013

Genetic Testing

Not sure if anyone else has done this, but we consulted a genetics counselor to find out if there was a reason my oldest has autism.  No one in my family has autism or any diagnosed sensory issues.  We found out that he tested negative for Fragile X but tested positive for having a Chromosome 22 duplication.  So we can affirm that he was born with this and may face other issues in the future (this is not definite, but we will be more aware of what to look for).  A lot of folks have asked if his autism was the result of vaccinations or other nonsense.  I have always stated that I felt he was born the way he his.  And now I know what I have always known, if that makes sense. 

Now his dad and brother were tested to see if they have the duplication.  The duplication was passed to him by his father or mother.  His brother does not have the duplication.  His dad does not have the duplication either.  We were almost positive that it was from him, only because his dad has ADD, dyslexia and some issues with learning - which are some presenting signs of this syndrome.  Well, turns out our assumptions were incorrect.  I have to be tested now even though it's obvious it's from me.

Anyone else out there done this?  Was it a big deal for you to do this?  When we first were looking for direction on what to do with his diagnosis, it was suggested to us to do the genetic counseling and also to see a neurologist to rule out any seizure activity (he does not have any, thank goodness) and to also have therapy (speech, occupational, and behavioral).  We had these recommendations from the local CMH.

We have done what was suggested for us.  We have made great strides and my oldest has come a long way.  This coming up week we are starting behavioral therapy.  I'm excited yet nervous as we are going to push him out of his comfort zone.  I'm hoping they will be able to help him with his anxiety with potty training and sleeping on his own.  Those are two biggies for me personally.

Hey, sleep much

My oldest is not sleeping tonight.  Not sure why, just isn't.  He's sitting here watching cartoons and it's like he's refreshed from a full nights rest.  He's been up since 7:30 this morning.  Lame!  I realize that we all have those times where we just can't sleep.  He's my son with autism, so I can't allow him to be alone.  Not that he would want to.  If he wakes up, then I have to be up with him.  He's attached me to HIS hip, so to speak.  He has to eat with me, sleep with me, go everywhere with me.  I feel honored that he loves me this much and spends time with me.  But there is a limit.  Mommy needs a little space, kiddo.  I need some "me time", I need time to spend with my husband.  But I guess him being up now has a positive note....I can write a post on my blog.  Haven't done that in a long while. 

Well, I hope I will get some rest before dawn breaks.